PAM Sportosteopathie V
Thema des Vortrages:
Sportosteopathie IV.
Cranial/visceral causes of ‘parietal’ injury in sports: cases & backgrounds.
Tag 1 - 3/03/2023 | Tag 2 - 4/03/2023 |

Frédéric Van Burm , MSc.Ost., DO
The work of osteopath Frédéric Van Burm has been devoted to defining and explaining in understandable terms how osteopathy can be a missing link in sports medicine and sports science. After studying physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy and manual therapy, Frédéric Van Burm noticed a general lack of understanding injury mechanisms. That is why he spent nine more years studying osteopathy, osteopathy and sports, and also applied neurology (AK) in order to finally obtain his Master of Science in Osteopathy. He combines those areas of knowledge in his daily practice to filter down the history of his clients to a reasonable therapeutic strategy that cures their injury faster, as well as successfully preventing re-injury and increasing normal performance. He works in Ghent (Belgium) as well as across Europe, and treats professional footballers, Olympians and many more.
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