Articles scientifiques
L'IAO a publié des articles scientifiques, entre autres:
- Relating The Diers Formetric Measurements With The Subjective Severity Of Acute And Chronic Low Back Pain.
Inge Roman, Michiel Luyten, Hendrik Croonenborghs, Grégoire Lason, Luc Peeters, Geert Byttebier, Frank Comhaire.
ScienceDirect, Volume 133, December 2019 - Reassessing the accuracy and reproducibility of Diers formetric measurements in healthy volunteers.
Lason G., Peeters L., Vandenberghe K., Byttebier G., Comhaire F.
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 18(4): 247-254, 2015 - General Osteopathic Treatment is Associated with Postural Changes.
F. Comhaire, G. Lason, L. Peeters, G. Byttebier and K. Vandenberghe.
British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research, 6(7): 709-714, 2015
- The relation between loss of internal hip rotation and lumbar sidebending dysfunction.
Luc Peeters & Grégoire Lason
AAO Journal, Volume 15, No. 4, December 2005. - Relationship between somatic dysfunction of the lumbosacral joint and changes in the gait pattern
Hendrik Croonenborghs, Luc Peeters, Joris De Schepper
International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 18(2): 79–87, 2015 - Refining the Reference Values of Diers 4D Formetric System and Introducing a Qualitative Spine Profile Based on Percentile Ranking
Luc Peeters, Grégoire Lason, Geert Byttebier and Frank Comhaire
Open Journal of Medical Imaging (OJMI). Vol.5 No.3 2015 - Preliminary evidence on the efficacy of cranial osteopathy in professional football (abstract/poster)
Frederic Van Burm, Arnold Goedhart
BLJ Journals, Volume 51, Issue 4

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