Osteopaths can help with many complaints.
In infants:
Reflux problems, sleep disorders, crying spells, strabismus, skull deformations, lifelessness, restlessness, swallowing disorders, food intolerance, ...
In children:
Postural abnormalities, dyslexia, hyperkinesis, headache, balance problems, breathing difficulties (sinusitis, nasal drip, asthma), asymmetrical crawling, strabismus, lazy eye, delayed speech development, dental problems, motor deficiency, sleep disturbances, KISS syndrome, abdominal discomfort, Minimal Brain Damage (MBD), ...
In adults:
Complaints and movement restrictions in the whole body including the jaw joints, various forms of headaches, sinusitis, facial pains, ringing in the ears, swallowing disorders, stress incontinence, menstrual pains, postnatal complaints, breathing problems, stomach complaints, nausea, reflux, burning feeling, chronic fatigue, stress, residual complaints after operations, palpitations, intestinal complaints, ...
With athletes:
sports injuries (acute, chronic, recurrent, prevention), optimization of training schedules, nutritional advice.

Osteopath at work.