In the countries where the IAO offers its training and education, its graduates can become members of the leading professional associations and registers for osteopaths. The board of these organizations guarantees the quality of its members by requiring them to undergo continuous training.

Belgium - Beroepsvereniging van de Belgische Osteopaten BVBO.

Denmark - Danske Osteopater - DO.

Germany - Verband für wissenschaftliche Osteopathen Deutschlands e.V. - VWOD.

France- Tal van beroepsverenigingen die alle hun eigen criteria hebben.

United Kingdom - The General Osteopathic Council - GOsC.

The Netherlands - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Osteopathie - NVO, Nederlandse Osteopathie Federatie - NOF, Register voor Osteopathie - NRO.

Austria - Österreichische Gesellschaft für Osteopathie - ÖGO.

Switzerland - Vereinigung akademischer Osteopathen/ innen Schweiz -VaOS.

In all other European countries, our graduates can also become members of the leading professional associations.

Strong together.